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Pink amazon river dolphin diet -

21-12-2016 à 09:59:11
Pink amazon river dolphin diet
The texture of the body is robust and strong but flexible. The remaining two subspecies seemingly present no morphological differences and it is possible that they are in fact one species. Group of Amazon River dolphins swimming together Fernando Trujillo. g. humboldtiana (Orinoco river dolphin). The fin size, unfused vertebrae, and its relative size allow for improved manoeuvrability when navigating flooded forests and capturing prey. Sexual dimorphism is very evident, with males measuring 16% longer and weighing 55% more than females. The Amazon river dolphin is the largest river dolphin. Welcome to the world of whales and dolphins. The crescent shaped blowhole is set left of centre and the neck is very flexible due to unfused cervical vertebrae, and has a well defined crease. The flippers are triangular, broad and have blunt tips, while the flukes are triangular, broad and have pointed tips. They are the only toothed whales to have different types of teeth in their jaw, those in the front are the usual simple conical shape whilst those in the back are designed to aid in the crushing of prey items. The Amazon river dolphin ( Inia geoffrensis ), also known as the boto, bufeo or pink river dolphin, is a species of toothed whale classified in the family Iniidae. Three subspecies are currently recognized: I. Like other toothed whales, they have a melon, an organ that is used for bio sonar. Another new species, Inia araguaiaensis was described from the Araguaia River, which is not connected to the Amazon, however for several reasons the authors conclusions are not currently thought to be very convincing and for the moment official recognition of the species has not been given. The melon is bulbous and abrupt, and the dolphin is able to change the shape of its melon. The Committee on Taxonomy (2015) list of marine mammal species and subspecies from the Society for Marine Mammalogy (SMM) initially accepted the evidence for an additional species.

While hunting is a major threat, in recent decades, greater impacts on population are due to the loss of habitat and inadvertent entanglement in fishing lines. Amazon River dolphin (boto) showing pink colouration Fernando Trujillo. boliviensis ( Bolivian river dolphin ) and I. The Amazon River dolphin is endemic to South America and is the most studied of all the species of river dolphin. This subspecies is restricted, at least during the dry season, to the waterfalls of Rio Negro rapids in the Orinoco between Samariapo and Puerto Ayacucho, and the Casiquiare canal. The Amazon River dolphin has a long dorsal ridge and very low dorsal fin. geoffrensis (Amazon river dolphin), I. g. WDC in Action Homes for whales and dolphins. The Amazon River dolphin is a fairly robust animal with small but functioning eyes and a long slender beak that curves down slightly towards the tip. Inia boliviensis, the Bolivian river dolphin, found solely in the river systems of Bolivia (and rivers along the Bolivia-Brazil border) however the theory was not supported by further genetic sampling and for the moment it remains a sub-species. The three subspecies are distributed in the Amazon basin, the upper Madeira River in Bolivia, and the Orinoco basin, respectively. About Whales and dolphins Whales - meet the different species. The dorsal fin, although short in height, is regarded as long, and the pectoral fins are also large. They have one of the widest ranging diets among toothed whales, and feed on up to 53 different species of fish, such as croakers, catfish, tetras and piranhas. g. The Bolivian river dolphin is a subspecies of Inia geoffrensis. In 2008, this species was ranked by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as a Data Deficient, due to the uncertainty regarding their population trends and the impact of threats.

Pink amazon river dolphin diet video:

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